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Changes to General Terms and Conditions V8 in comparison to General Terms and Conditions V7 as PDF

Option to download the General terms and conditions of DB InfraGO AG "everyworks" as PDF in German and English

Status 1. August 2024

1 Scope

1.1 Through its app ("everyworks app") and its booking website ("everyworks web booking"), DB InfraGO AG, Adam-Riese-Str. 11-13, 60327 Frankfurt,, ("everyworks") offers the customer the option to set up a user account ("user account") by registering and conclude contracts on the short-term use of workplaces (Minute Seat, Meeting Room and other products that can be reserved in advance (e.g. "Telephone Box" etc., collectively "products that can be reserved in advance") also referred to hereinafter as "Work Spaces") at different locations ("everyworks location")

1.2 The general terms and conditions below (“Terms”) apply to all contracts between everyworks and the customer ("customer"), referred to collectively as "parties"; This applies regardless of whether the customer acts as a consumer within the meaning of § 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) or as an entrepreneur within the meaning of § 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB). Partnerships with legal capacity and legal entities may also be customers within the meaning of the GTC within the scope of the use of a corporate account. Contradictory general terms and conditions of the customer are excluded, even if these are not expressly contradicted by everyworks.

1.3 everyworks will not save the wording of this contract after the conclusion of the contract. The customer may access the general terms and conditions in the main menu of the everyworks app and in the footer of the everyworks web booking at any time.

1.4 In addition to these Terms, the general terms and conditions of the distribution platform used to download the app (e.g. the Apple App Store, Google Play, etc. – hereinafter referred to as "App Store") shall apply. In the event of contradictions, the terms of use of the App Store shall have precedence. The App Store provider does not become a party to the contract on the use of Work Spaces and is not lia-ble for any deficiencies, damages or violations of third-party rights.

2 Subject matter of the contract

2.1 everyworks shall grant the customer the option of using Work Spaces, including general areas and all inventory, for a fee ("Usage Fee"). Furthermore, the customer has the option to purchase additional services, such as beverages, snacks and photocopies, for a separate fee. The purchase of these services is not covered by these Terms.

2.1.1 everyworks is obligated to provide the customer with Work Spaces in the contractually agreed scope and at the agreed location.

2.1.2 The Usage Fee to be paid by the customer covers payment for the use of the agreed Work Spaces and general areas. The size of the Work Spaces has no influence on the amount of the Usage Fee.

2.1.3 The customer has the possibility to choose between different Work Space categories. The customer can choose between Minute Seats or products that can be reserved in advance. If a work space category or work space is not available at the respective everyworks location, it will not be displayed to the customer for booking. Seats include short-term use by the customer of a Work Space available at the everyworks location. everyworks shall display the Usage Fee for the use of the Minute Seat in the everyworks app and invoice the fee precisely to the minute. The maximum period of use of Minute Seats shall be until the end of the working day (based on the opening hours of the everyworks location shown to the customer in the everyworks app). The entitlement to use Minute Seats shall end when the customer checks out by scanning the QR code at the scanner at the location in question as he/she leaves. If the customer wishes to use the Minute Seat again after checking out, he/she must conclude a new contract for a Minute Seat using the everyworks app. The Minute Seat can only be used via the everyworks app. Minute Seat is not offered via the everyworks web booking. Products that can be reserved in advance include the hourly or daily use of a meeting room available at the respective everyworks location by the customer. The fee for the use of a product that can be reserved in advance will be displayed by everyworks in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking and will be charged by everyworks on an hourly basis. Products that can be reserved in advance can be used by the customer for the period of time indicated as bookable in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking and within the opening hours of the respective everyworks location, which are indicated in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking. The usage authorization for products that can be reserved in advance ends with the end of the booked time slot. The invitation of third parties to a product that can be reserved in advance is only allowed in accordance with clause 9. Rebooking within a category or to a higher category by everyworks is always permitted.

2.2 everyworks shall not be liable for compliance with the German Workplaces Regulation, the German Workplace Directive, or other labour law requirements or provisions affecting the customer's business operations.

3 Downloading the app; registration; booking of Work Spaces

3.1 By clicking the "Install"/"Download" button (wording differs depending on the App Store used) on the product description page and – if necessary - enters his/her password for the App Store in question, he/she is submitting a binding offer to conclude a contract on the use of the everyworks app. This offer is accepted when the everyworks app begins downloading; further details shall be governed by the general terms and conditions of the App Store used.

3.2 The customer may only book Work Spaces in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking if he/she is a registered user. The following applies to the free registration:

3.2.1 The customer submits a binding offer to register as a user by entering the required information in the registration screen of the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking and clicking the "Register" button ("Registration Offer").

3.2.2 Until he/she has clicked on the "Register" button, the customer may cancel registration or change the entered data at any time by deleting, adding to or correcting the entries in the various fields or by closing the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking.

3.2.3 The contract on the use of the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking ("Registration") between everyworks and the customer comes into effect when, immediately after receipt of the Offer at everyworks, everyworks sends a confirmation of receipt of the Registration Offer to the e-mail address entered by the customer during registration. This e-mail constitutes acceptance of the Registration Offer by everyworks and contains an activation link, with which the customer can activate his/her user account.

3.2.4 In deviation from the above provisions, in the event of the use of a corporate account, the contract shall be concluded upon signature of the respective corporate account agreement by the customer. The contract is concluded exclusively with the company (customer), not with the respective employee of the company. In order to use Work Spaces, employees must join their company's corporate account in the everyworks app in advance by providing their company mail address. The customer is obliged to inform its employees about all rights and obligations arising from these GTC and from the corporate account agreement before they join the corporate account.

3.3 The following applies to the booking of Minute Seats:

3.3.1 The display of available Minute Seats in the everyworks app does not constitute a binding offer to conclude a contract on the use of a Minute Seat, but simply invites the customer to submit an offer.

3.3.2 The customer triggers a binding offer from everyworks to use a Minute Seat by clicking the "Access pass" button ("Offer to use a Minute Seat"). To clarify: The customer does not yet submit a binding declaration by clicking the "Access pass" button. Clicking the "Access pass" button triggers an offer from everyworks to use a Minute Seat.

3.3.3 In the everyworks app, everyworks then displays the customer a QR code that provides him/her with access to the Minute Seat ("Minute Seat Access Pass"). The customer can retrieve the Minute Seat Access Pass in "Access" within the everyworks app until the term has expired.

3.3.4 The Offer from everyworks is limited to the time period stated in the Minute Seat Access Pass and requires the customer to successfully scan the Access Pass.

3.3.5 The customer accepts the offer from everyworks to use a Minute Seat by correctly scanning the Minute Seat Access Pass at the everyworks location ("Acceptance of Offer to use a Minute Seat"). When the customer accepts the Offer to use a Minute Seat, the contract on the use of a Minute Seat is concluded between everyworks and the customer.

3.3.6 Until he/she has scanned the Minute Seat Access Pass, the customer may cancel the process or change any entered data at any time by deleting the Minute Seat Access Pass via "Cancel reservation", or by allowing the period of time stated in the Minute Seat access pass to expire without scanning the Access Pass.

3.4 The following applies to the booking of Minute Bundles:

3.4.1 The customer can view and purchase various Minute Bundles under "Menu" > "Buy Minute Bundles" within the everyworks app. The display of the Minute Bundles in the overview does not represent a binding offer on the part of everyworks. By clicking on the button "Buy Now", the customer submits a binding offer to purchase the respective Minute Bundle. Everyworks accepts this offer by sending a confirmation email. With the acceptance of the offer by everyworks, the contract regarding the booking of a Minute Bundle between the customer and everyworks is concluded.

3.4.2 Until clicking on the button "Buy now", the customer can cancel the process at any time or change the information provided by clicking on the X icon at the top right of the screen.

3.4.3 Depending on their scope, the Minute Bundles each have a differently limited validity period. The validity period of each Minute Bundles is displayed before purchase. After expiration of the validity period of a Minute Bundle, unused minutes from the respective Minute Bundle shall expire without replacement. During the validity period, the customer can view the remaining available minutes of active Minute Bundles in the app under Menu > "Buy Minute Bundles". The displayed balances do not take into account the minutes redeemed for an ongoing usage; these will only be deducted after the respective usage has been completed and billed. If a customer has purchased an active Minute Bundle with available minutes, these will be used first for Minute Seats usage. If the customer also has credit from other sources, such as voucher promotions, the credit with the earlier ending validity period will be used in each case. As soon as the Minute Bundle is used up and the customer continues to use the Work Space, the normal rate for a Minute Seat applies (see clause 3.3), unless the customer still has further Minute Bundles or other credit. These will be used up first. The customer also has the option to purchase additional Minute Bundles at any time, provided that Minute Bundles are offered at that time. The fee for a Minute Bundle is due immediately after purchase and the respective validity period begins to run immediately. For this, everyworks sends an invoice by e-mail and the Minute Bundle is credited to the customer's account immediately.

3.5 The following applies to the booking of products that can be reserved in advance:

3.5.1 The display of available booking periods for products that can be reserved in advance in the everyworks-App or the everyworks web booking does not constitute a binding offer to conclude a contract for the use of a products that can be reserved in advance, but an invitation to the customer to submit such an offer.

3.5.2 The customer submits a binding offer for the use of a product that can be reserved in advance by clicking on the "Book now" button ("Offer for the use of a product that can be reserved in advance"). Until clicking the "Book Now" button, the Customer may cancel the process at any time or change the information provided by clicking the rejecting arrow or by closing the everyworks-app or the everyworks web booking.

3.5.3 Immediately after receipt of the customer’s binding offer, everyworks will display a confirmation of the booking in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking ("booking confirmation"). This booking confirmation also constitutes the declaration of acceptance on the part of everyworks. ("Acceptance of the offer to use a product that can be reserved in advance"). With the acceptance of the offer for the use of a products that can be reserved in advance the conclusion of the contract regarding the use of a product that can be reserved in advance between everyworks and the customer takes place.

3.5.4 After having received the payment, everyworks will display a QR code to the customer in the everyworks app under "Access", which enables access to the booked products that can be reserved in advance ("product that can be reserved in advance access pass"). For customers who use the everyworks web booking, the bookings are displayed under "Your bookings", but without the display of a QR code. In both cases, the access-granting QR code ("access pass to a product that can be reserved in advance") is provided by email after payment has been made. For clarification: This access pass to the products that can be reserved in advance is comparable to a key and does not contain any further declaration on the part of everyworks or the customer. With the expiration of the booked period the access pass to the meeting room automatically loses its validity.

3.6 When using the everyworks app with a corporate account agreement, the individual bookings are made in accordance with the provisions above by the customer's employees via the corporate account on behalf of the customer. In order to fulfil the obligation under Section 312i (1) No. 3 of the German Civil Code (BGB), everyworks is entitled, in the case of corporate account customers, to send the individual booking confirmations after the booking has been made either via email directly to the employee who made the booking or to store them in the account of said employee in the everyworks app for retrieval. With regard to the fees incurred for the booking of a Minute Seat and the booking of products that can be reserved in advance, the conditions regulated in the corporate account agreement shall apply. The customer is obliged to pay for the bookings made by its employees via the corporate account in accordance with these conditions.

4 Prices and payments

4.1 Usage fee

4.1.1 By concluding the contract on the use of Work Spaces, the customer undertakes to pay the Usage Fee agreed on conclusion of the contract.

4.1.2 Unless otherwise stated, all prices are gross and include statutory value-added tax. The Usage Fee for the desired Work Space category is calculated by the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking and is shown clearly to the customer during the booking process.

4.1.3 Unless otherwise agreed with the customer, the usage fee for a product that can be reserved in advance is due immediately after acceptance of the offer by everyworks ("booking confirmation"), and the usage fee for the Minute Seat is due immediately after use. In the event that Minute Bundles are redeemed, clause 3.4 shall apply. The customer will be notified of the actual amount of the Usage Fee for the Minute Seat, based on the period of use, in his/her user account after check-out and in an e-mail sent to the customer by everyworks when his/her use has ended. The chargeable period for the use of the Minute Seat is the time between customer check-in at the everyworks location, minus the goodwill period stated in the everyworks app, and customer check-out in accordance with clause 13.1.

4.2 Payment shall be made using the payment method the customer selected during registration and/or in his/her user account.

4.3 If everyworks subcontracts payment processing to a third party, for example Payone GmbH, the general terms and conditions of this party shall apply in addition.

4.4 Any costs for additional services shall be paid for separately.

4.5 When using the everyworks app with a corporate account agreement, the payment rules provided in the corporate account agreement apply with regard to payment.

5 Warranty and liability of everyworks in respect of the use of Work Spaces

5.1 Unless otherwise expressly stated in these Terms, the customer shall be entitled to make claims against everyworks for contractual or statutory damages only in the following cases:

a) Breach of duty through wilful or gross negligence on the part of everyworks,
b) A breach of essential contractual obligations on the part of everyworks at least through negligence, essential contractual obligations being defined as enabling the orderly performance of the contract and on whose observance the parties can therefore rely to a great degree,
c) Fraudulent concealment of a defect by everyworks or its accountable third party,
d) Injury to life, the body or health due to a breach of duty by everyworks through at least negligence,
e) Damages that are reimbursed under an insurance policy concluded by eve-ryworks,
f) Damages caused by the violation of a representation or guarantee issued by everyworks.

5.2 In the cases mentioned in clause 5.1.b), liability for material or financial damages caused by negligence shall be limited to damages that are foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded and are typical for this type of contract.

5.3 Insofar as the liability of everyworks is excluded by this contract, this shall apply equally to claims against other everyworks bodies (e.g. managing directors or executive boards), employees or agents (e.g. contracted craftsmen).

5.4 everyworks shall not be liable for disruptions to use caused by third parties, including other Work Space customers. However, it will attempt to remedy disruptions of which it is notified.

5.5 Strict liability of everyworks for initial material defects in accordance with Section 536a German Civil Code is excluded. Moreover, clauses 5.1 and 5.2 shall apply.

6 Obligations of the customer in respect of the everyworks app and the everyworks web booking

6.1 The customer can only use his/her user account once he/she has clicked on the activation link and everyworks has verified the payment data he/she entered during registration.

6.2 The customer is obliged to deal carefully with the access data for the user account. The customer must not share the access data for the user account with third parties nor permit them access to the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking using the access data.

6.3 The customer undertakes to deal carefully with the Minute Seat Access Pass and the access pass for products that can be reserved in advance. In particular, the customer shall not share an access pass with third parties by handing them the mobile device used for the booking or an on-screen image.

6.4 In the event that a corporate account is used, the customer shall be obliged to inform its employees of the aforementioned obligations.

7 Use of Work Spaces and the inventory by the customer; customer's obligations of conduct

7.1 The customer may use the Work Spaces only for the contractually agreed purpose, i.e. as work spaces or Meeting Room. The use of Work Spaces or general areas for private purposes, particularly private festivities, by the customer, his/her employees or third parties to which the customer grants access as per clause 9 is prohibited.

7.2 The customer shall treat the Work Spaces and inventory with care. The customer shall notify everyworks immediately in respect of any damage. The customer shall be liable for any damage beyond wear and tear, as per this contract, caused by the customer him/herself, his/her agents or third parties that use Work Spaces or the inventory at the customer's behest.

7.3 The customer must refrain from any activities that are detrimental to the everyworks location or the inventory or could harm the reputation of everyworks.

7.4 The customer must not connect his/her own coffee machines, ovens, microwaves, hot plates or other electrical appliances in Work Spaces that he/she is using.

7.5 To prevent damage, all electrical appliances and associated parts (including ca-bles/connectors) that the customer uses in the Work Spaces must conform to the statutory safety regulations for energy distribution at office work spaces.

7.6 The customer is responsible for objects, documents and data brought by him/her into Work Spaces. This shall apply both to lockable Work Spaces and general areas. It is in the customer's own interests to protect objects, particularly valuables, and documents and data brought into Work Spaces from access by third parties. everyworks shall not be liable for the loss or theft of or damage to objects, documents or data unless this is due to gross negligence or wilful conduct on the part of a legal representative, management employee or other agent of everyworks. Objects brought into Work Spaces are not covered by everyworks insurance. The customer shall provide suitable insurance if necessary, to insure against the risk of damage to these objects or of an interruption to business.

7.7 The customer shall not bring any perishable, harmful or hazardous materials into the Work Spaces or have such materials delivered to the Work Spaces. The same shall apply to the delivery of any objects.

7.8 The bringing of pets into the Work Spaces is not permitted.

7.9 In the event of the use of a corporate account, the customer shall be obliged to inform its employees of the above obligations. The customer shall be liable for damages caused by its employees when using a corporate account.

8 Internet use

8.1 If wifi is provided to the customer at an everyworks location, the respective terms and conditions and data protection notice of the provider of the wifi at the respective loca-tion shall apply. The wifi can, for example, be an offer of DB Systel GmbH(link: text: ( and/or other third parties.

9 Use of Work Spaces or the inventory by third parties

9.1 The customer is not entitled to allow full or partial use of the Work Spaces or inventory by third parties.

9.2 The customer shall be liable for damages caused by third parties who gained access into Work Spaces through the customer.

9.3 The customer shall protect the Work Spaces from access by third parties. Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance with everyworks or in case of bookings of a Meeting Room to which the Customer can invite the specified number of participants ("Guests") in accordance with Section 9.4 below, access codes shall not be given or made accessible to third parties.

9.4 The following applies to the invitation of guests to a product that can be reserved in advance:

9.4.1 After booking a product that can be reserved in advance, the customer can send invitations from the app (e.g. with an e-mail program) to the number of persons specified for the booked product that can be reserved in advance in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking by way of a link to the guest registration. In the everyworks web booking, this link is made available after clicking on "Invite guests" in the clipboard.

9.4.2 Following the guest registration the guests invited according to clause 9.4.1 will receive their own access pass for a meeting room valid for the period booked by the customer.

9.4.3 The customer is obliged not to invite more than the number of persons specified for the booked meeting room - deducting one person for the customer himself - as guests.The customer is responsible for ensuring that the link sent by him/her is not passed on by his/her guests. The customer shall be liable for any damage caused to third parties who enter the Work Spaces as a result of the unauthorized forwarding of the link.

9.4.4 The customer takes responsibility for ensuring that the link sent by him is not passed on by his guests. The customer is liable for any damage caused by third parties due to the unauthorized disclosure of the link to the Work Spaces.

9.4.5 Employees of a customer who use Work Spaces within the scope of a corporate account are not deemed to be third parties within the meaning of Clause 9.

10 House rules

10.1 Further obligations of the customer regarding conduct shall be regulated by the house rules and fire safety regulations of the respective everyworks location, which also form part of the usage contract. The applicable house rules and fire safety regulations shall be displayed to the customer in the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking before booking.

10.2 In the event of a serious infringement of the obligations and/or house rules set out in this contract, everyworks shall be entitled to remove the customer from the Work Spaces and general areas, at its own discretion. The customer shall have no right to a refund from everyworks in this case.

10.3 When using corporate accounts, the house and fire safety regulations of the respective everyworks location also apply to the customer's employees. The applicable house and fire safety ordinance will be displayed to the customer's employee in the everyworks app prior to booking. Clause 10.2 also applies to employees of the customer.

11 Right of withdrawal

11.1 Minute Seats and Minute Bundles

The customer, which is a consumer in accordance with Section 13 German Civil Code (BGB), i.e. a natural person who is concluding a transaction for purposes that are predominantly not for his/her own commercial or self-employed activities ("Consumer") has a statutory right of withdrawal as regards the booking of Minute Seats and the purchase of Minute Bundles.

11.1.1 Instructions of withdrawal

Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the day the contract was con-cluded.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must notify us, DB InfraGO AG, everyworks, Adam-Riese-Str. 11-13, 60327 Frankfurt, of your decision to withdraw this contract by means of a clear declaration (e.g. by a postal letter, fax or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, although this is not mandatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficant for you to send your notification of your withdrawal before this period expires.

Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments that we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from your selection of a delivery method other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), immediately and within no more than four-teen days from the day on which we received notification of your withdrawal of this contract. For this reimbursement, we will employ the same payment method as the one used by you for your original transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed with you and you will on no account be charged a fee for this reimbursement.
If you have requested that services should commence during the withdrawal peri-od, you shall pay us a reasonable amount to cover the services provided pro rata - in relation to the overall services covered by the contract - up until the time that you notified us of your wish to exercise your right to withdraw this contract.

11.1.2 Model withdrawal form

Model withdrawal form
(If you wish to withdraw the contract, please fill out this form and return it to us.)

  • To DB InfraGO AG, everyworks, Adam-Riese-Str. 11-13, 60327 Frankfurt, ,;
  • I/we () hereby withdraw the contract concluded by me/us () for the purchase of the following goods ()/the performance of the following service ()
  • Ordered on ()/received on ()
  • Name of consumer(s)
  • Address of consumer(s)
  • Signature of consumer(s) (paper notification only)
  • Date

(*) Delete as applicable.

11.2 Products that can be reserved in advance
The customer, who is a consumer, has no legal right of withdrawal for the booking of a products that can be reserved in advance, since the contract for the use of a products that can be reserved in advance is a contract for the provision of services in the fields of accommodation other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental services, deliveries of food and beverages, or services related to leisure activities, for which the contract provides for a specific date or period of time for the provision of such services. Therefore, the customer cannot withdraw from his declaration of intention to book a meeting room.

11.3 To clarify: The customer, who is an entrepreneurin accordance with Section 14 German Civil Code, i.e. a natural person or partnership with legal capacity that is performing a commercial or self-employed professional activity when concluding a transaction, has no statutory right of withdrawal.

12 Cancellation of the contract of use

12.1 The customer has the right to cancel the contract for the use of a product that can be reserved in advance before using it in accordance with the following conditions:

12.1.1 If the booking of the product that can be reserved in advance is cancelled up to 48 hours prior to the booked period, the customer will receive a 100% refund.

12.1.2 If the booking of the product that can be reserved in advance is cancelled up to 24 hours prior to the booked period, the customer will receive a 50% refund.

12.1.3 If the booking of the product that can be reserved in advance is cancelled within 24 hours prior to the booked period, the customer will receive a refund of 10%.

12.1.4 The customer can prove that the costs for everyworks were lower. In any case, the customer is obliged to compensate everyworks for the actual costs of the rescission of payments incurred due to the cancellation.

12.1.5 When using the everyworks app via a corporate account, the conditions regulated in the corporate account agreement apply with regard to cancellation.

13 Terminating the use of Work Spaces

13.1 The contract governing the use of Work Spaces shall end when the customer checks out.

13.2 Following termination of the usage contract, the customer undertakes to return the used Work Spaces and inventory in defect-free and usable condition. All objects brought by the customer into the Work Spaces shall be removed and the Work Spaces shall be restored to their original condition on handover. everyworks shall remedy any damage to floors, floor coverings, walls or inventory at the customer's expense plus a reasonable administration fee of at least 15% of the total costs incurred; the administration fee shall be waived or reduced if the customer can prove that the costs are lower. The customer shall pay these costs within seven days of the sending of the invoice by everyworks.

13.3 everyworks may place objects left behind by the customer in storage if they are not removed despite a request to this effect. After placing objects in storage, every-works shall give the customer a reasonable deadline for the retrieval of items, under the threat of disposal. If the customer allows the deadline to expire without retrieving objects left behind, everyworks shall be entitled to exploit or dispose of these objects at the customer's expense.

13.4 In the event of the use of a corporate account, the customer shall be obliged to inform its employees of the aforementioned obligations.

14 Termination of the contract to use the everyworks app or the everyworks web booking

14.1 Registration is for an indefinite period and ordinary termination by the customer is possible at any time and by everyworks with notice of two weeks. Termination by the customer shall be completed after eight days with the deletion of the customer account. Termination by everyworks shall have no effect whatsoever on previous bookings of Work Spaces. Termination by the customer is subject to clause 12.

14.2 This shall not affect the statutory right to termination without notice for good cause. A good cause for everyworks is in particular a repeated and serious violation of the obligations of this contract by the customer.

14.3 In case of open products that can be reserved in advance bookings by the customer at the time of the extraordinary cancellation without notice by everyworks, the notice of termination by everyworks to the customer shall also extend to these open bookings.

14.4 When using the everyworks app with a corporate account, the conditions regulated in the corporate account agreement apply with regard to termination.

15 Indemnification

The customer shall indemnify everyworks from all claims asserted against it by third parties as a result of infringement by the customer of his/her obligations as per clauses 6 to 9 or his/her violation of statutory requirements in connection with his/her use of Work Spaces. The customer shall reimburse everyworks for all damages and costs incurred in this connection including costs for legal advice and legal proceedings. If third parties assert claims against everyworks due to a suspected violation on the part of the customer, everyworks shall notify the customer immediately and shall undertake defence in consultation with the customer or – at the discretion of everyworks – leave this to the customer. The parties shall support one another in legal defence and shall work jointly to achieve a successful legal defence. In particular, the parties shall share all information and submit statements that are required for legal defence. Neither party shall acknowledge claims by third parties without the other party's consent. In the case of the use of a corporate account, the indemnification by the customer also extends to claims that are asserted due to a culpable violation of an employee of the customer against everyworks.

16 Final provisions

16.1 The official language of the contract is German. The English translation of these Terms shall have no legal validity; it is provided merely as a courtesy.

16.2 The customer can only set-off claims for payment from everyworks if the customer's claim to set-off is undisputed or recognised by declaratory judgement or there is a mutuality of obligations with the claims of everyworks. The same applies to the cus-tomer's right of retention.

16.3 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the contractual relationship between the parties, excluding the Convention on Contracts for the Interna-tional Sale of Goods (CISG). If the customer is a consumer and has no residence in the Federal Republic of Germany, the contractual relationship shall be subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the CISG, unless otherwise stipulated by the law of the state in which the consumer is ordinarily resident.

16.4 If the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or another EU member state, is a merchant or legal entity under public law, or has relocated his/her permanent residence to a country other than Germany after these Terms came into effect, or his/her place of residence or habitual abode is not known at the time of the legal action, the sole place of jurisdiction for all conflicts arising from or in connection with the contract shall be where the everyworks headquarters is based.

16.5 The European Commission provides a platform for the online resolution of disputes, which the customer can access at everyworks does not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

16.6 If one or more clauses of this contract are or become ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses.

16.7 everyworks may amend these general terms and conditions with effect for the future as described below, insofar as this does not affect the main performance obligations, insofar as there is a valid reason for the amendments and insofar as the amendments are reasonable taking into account the interests of both parties. A valid reason exists including but not limited to where the amendments are necessary due to a disruption of the equivalence relationship of the contract to a not in-significant extent which was unforeseeable for everyworks at the time of the conclusion of the contract, where the amendments are necessary for technical reasons or where the amendments are necessary for the further performance of the con-tract due to changes in case law or legislation. Everyworks will notify the customer about an amendment of these general terms and conditions and the date of entering into force of such an amendment at least six weeks in advance via message within the app or via e-mail. The customer may object to the amendment. If he does not do so within six weeks after receipt of the notification of the amendment, his consent shall be deemed to have been given. The notification of the amendment will explicitly inform the customer about his right to object, the six-week period and the legal consequences of his silence.